Tuesday, March 29, 2011


On Sunday our friend Beth-who lives in Haiti-posted on her facebook page, "On the way to PAP Fellowship today the teen moms kept talking aboutSarah Obermeyer and Sarah Dornbos and how they can't wait till you arrive! They are going to give you gifts of mangoes!"
It brought such joy to my heart--that our friends who have so very little are sharing what they have with us--plotting to gift us with mangos. What a great way to start a trip to Haiti! 

O and I with our gift of mangos over Christmas. 

Eden is not sharing his mangos! 

Some day I want to write a story about this woman-our dear friend Antoinette, and how she has taught me about generosity and gratitude...but that is for another day. Right now, I need to drive to the airport and get on that plane for this new adventure! :) 

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